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Relocate non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs owned by node1 to node2

Contributors netapp-pcarriga

Before you can replace node1 with node3, you must move the non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs from node1 to node2 before eventually moving node1's resources to node3.

Before you begin

The operation should already be paused when you begin the task; you must manually resume the operation.

About this task

After the aggregates and LIFs are migrated, the operation is paused for verification purposes. At this stage, you must verify whether or not all the non-root aggregates and non-SAN data LIFs are migrated to node3.

Note The home owner for the aggregates and LIFs is not modified; only the current owner is modified.
  1. Resume the aggregate relocation and NAS data LIF move operations:

    system controller replace resume

    All the non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs are migrated from node1 to node2.

    The operation pauses to enable you to verify whether all node1 non-root aggregates and non-SAN data LIFs have been migrated to node2.

  2. Check the status of the aggregate relocation and NAS data LIF move operations:

    system controller replace show-details

  3. With the operation still paused, verify that all the non-root aggregates are online for their state on node2:

    storage aggregate show -node node2 -state online -root false

    The following example shows that the non-root aggregates on node2 are online:

    cluster::> storage aggregate show -node node2 state online -root false
    Aggregate  Size     Available  Used%  State  #Vols  Nodes  RAID Status
    ---------  -------  ---------  -----  ------ -----  ------ --------------
    aggr_1     744.9GB  744.8GB    0%     online     5  node2  raid_dp,normal
    aggr_2     825.0GB  825.0GB    0%     online     1  node2  raid_dp,normal
    2 entries were displayed.

    If the aggregates have gone offline or become foreign on node2, bring them online by using the following command on node2, once for each aggregate:

    storage aggregate online -aggregate aggr_name

  4. Verify that all the volumes are online on node2 by using the following command on node2 and examining its output:

    volume show -node node2 -state offline

    If any volumes are offline on node2, bring them online by using the following command on node2, once for each volume:

    volume online -vserver vserver_name -volume volume_name

    The vserver_name to use with this command is found in the output of the previous volume show command.

  1. If any LIFs are down, set the administrative status of the LIFs to up by using the following command, once for each LIF:

    network interface modify -vserver vserver_name -lif LIF_name -home-node nodename -status-admin up