Re-create VLANs, interface groups, and broadcast domains on node4
After you confirm that node4 is in quorum and can communicate with node3, you must re-create node2's VLANs, interface groups, and broadcast domains on node4. You must also add the node3 ports to the newly re-created broadcast domains.
For more information on creating and re-creating VLANs, interface groups, and broadcast domains, go to References and link to Network Management.
Re-create the VLANs on node4 using the node2 information recorded in the Relocate non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs from node2 to node3 section:
network port vlan create -node node4 -vlan vlan-names
Re-create the interface groups on node4 using the node2 information recorded in the Relocate non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs from node2 to node3 section:
network port ifgrp create -node node4 -ifgrp port_ifgrp_names-distr-func
Re-create the broadcast domains on node4 using the node2 information recorded in the Relocate non-root aggregates and NAS data LIFs from node2 to node3 section:
network port broadcast-domain create -ipspace Default -broadcast-domain broadcast_domain_names -mtu mtu_size -ports node_name:port_name,node_name:port_name
Add the node4 ports to the newly re-created broadcast domains:
network port broadcast-domain add-ports -broadcast-domain broadcast_domain_names -ports node_name:port_name,node_name:port_name