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Create an aggregate and move volumes to the new nodes

Contributors netapp-pcarriga

You create at least an aggregate on each of the new nodes to store the volumes you want to move from the original nodes. You must identify an aggregate for each volume and move each volume individually.

Before you begin
Note For each storage virtual machine (SVM), NetApp recommends moving all the non-root volumes in the cluster before moving the root volume, and performing this procedure on one SVM at a time.
  1. Create at least one aggregate on each new node:

    storage aggregate create -aggregate aggr_name -node new_node_name -diskcount integer

  2. Add the new aggregate to the same storage virtual machine (SVM) as the aggregate on the original node from which you want to move the volumes:

    vserver add-aggregates

    Both the new aggregate and the old aggregate from which the volume will be moved must be in the same SVM.

  3. Verify that the new aggregate is now assigned to the same SVM as the aggregate on the original node:

    vserver show -vserver svm_name

  4. Display information for the volumes that you want to move from the original nodes to the new nodes:

    volume show -vserver svm_name -node original_node_name

    You should retain the command output for later reference.

    The following example displays volumes on the "vs1" SVM and the "node0" node:

    cluster::> volume show -vserver vs1 -node node0
    Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
    --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
    vs1       clone        aggr1        online     RW         40MB    37.87MB    5%
    vs1       vol1         aggr1        online     RW         40MB    37.87MB    5%
    vs1       vs1root      aggr1        online     RW         20MB    18.88MB    5%
    3 entries were displayed.
  5. Determine an aggregate to which you can move a given volume:

    volume move target-aggr show -vserver svm_name -volume vol_name

    The following example shows that the "user_max" volume on the "vs2" SVM can be moved to any of the listed aggregates:

    cluster::> volume move target-aggr show -vserver vs2 -volume user_max
    Aggregate Name   Available Size  Storage Type
    --------------   --------------  ------------
    aggr2            467.9GB         FCAL
    node12a_aggr3    10.34GB         FCAL
    node12a_aggr2    10.36GB         FCAL
    node12a_aggr1    10.36GB         FCAL
    node12a_aggr4    10.36GB         FCAL
    5 entries were displayed
  6. Run a validation check on each volume that you want to move to verify that it can be moved to the specified aggregate:

    volume move start -vserver svm_name -volume volume_name -destination-aggregate destination_aggregate_name -perform-validation-only true

  7. Move the volumes one at a time (advanced privilege level):

    volume move start -vserver svm_name -volume vol_name -destination-aggregate destination_aggr_name -cutover-window integer

    You cannot move the node root volume (vol0). Other volumes, including SVM root volumes, can be moved.

    Note If your storage configuration includes volumes with encryption enabled, follow the steps in Enable encryption on an existing volume with the volume move start command to move these volumes.
  8. Display the outcome of the volume move operation to verify that the volumes were moved successfully:

    volume move show -vserver svm_name -volume vol_name

  9. If the volume move operation does not complete the final phase after multiple attempts, force the move to finish:

    volume move trigger-cutover -vserver svm_name -volume vol_name -force true

    Forcing the volume move operation to finish can disrupt client access to the volume that you are moving.

  10. Verify that the volumes were moved successfully to the specified SVM and are in the correct aggregate:

    volume show -vserver svm_name