Tiering technical reports
With the FabricPool data tiering solution, an enterprise's overall user experience of flash systems improves while avoiding the pain of rearchitecting applications for storage efficiency. FabricPool reduces the storage footprint and the associated costs of a system's environment. Active data remains on high-performance SSDs. Inactive data is tiered to low-cost object storage while preserving storage efficiencies.
These technical reports expand on the ONTAP FabricPool product documentation. |
TR-4598: FabricPool best practices
Learn about the capabilities, requirements, implementation, and recommended practices for FabricPool.
TR-4826: NetApp FabricPool with StorageGRID recommendation guide
Learn about the recommended practices for deploying and sizing StorageGRID as a capacity tier for the ONTAP component FabricPool. This document also covers core capabilities, requirements, implementation, and recommended practices when using StorageGRID.
TR-4695: Database storage tiering with NetApp FabricPool
Learn about the benefits and configuration options of FabricPool with various databases, including the Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS).