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ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10.2

Modify protected host cluster

Contributors netapp-jani

You can perform the following tasks as part of modify protection. You can perform all the changes in the same workflow.

  • Add new datastores or hosts to the protected cluster.

  • Add new SnapMirror relationships to the protection settings.

  • Delete existing SnapMirror relationships from the protection settings.

  • Modify an existing SnapMirror relationship.

Monitor host cluster protection

Use this procedure to monitor the status of the host cluster protection. You can monitor every protected host cluster along with its protection state, SnapMirror relationships, datastores, and the corresponding SnapMirror status.

  1. Log in to the vSphere client using https://vcenterip/ui

  2. Navigate to NetApp ONTAP tools > Protection > Host cluster relationships.

    The icon under the protection column shows the status of the protection

  3. Hover over the icon to see more details.

Add new datastores or hosts

Use this procedure to protect the newly added datastores or hosts. You can add new hosts to the protected cluster or create new datastores on host cluster using the vCenter native user interface.

  1. Log in to the vSphere client using https://vcenterip/ui

  2. To edit the properties of a protected cluster, you can either

    1. Navigate to NetApp ONTAP tools > Protection > Host cluster relationships, click on the kebab menu against the cluster and select Edit or

    2. Right-click a host cluster and select NetApp ONTAP tools > Protect Cluster.

  3. If you have created a datastore in vCenter native user interface, then that datastore is shown as unprotected. The user interface shows all datastores in the cluster and their protection status in a dialog box. Select Protect button to enable complete protection.

  4. If you have added a new ESXi host, the protection status shows as partially protected. Select the kebab menu under the SnapMirror settings and select Edit to set the proximity of the newly added ESXi host.

    Note In case of Asynchronous type relationship, edit action is not supported as you cannot add the target SVM for tertiary site to the same ONTAP tools instance. However, you can use the system manager or CLI of the target SVM to change the relationship configuration.
  5. Click Save after making the necessary changes.

  6. You can see the changes in the Protect Cluster window.

A vCenter task is created and you can track the progress in the Recent task panel.

Add a new SnapMirror relationship

  1. Log in to the vSphere client using https://vcenterip/ui

  2. To edit the properties of a protected cluster, you can either

    1. Navigate to NetApp ONTAP tools > Protection > Host cluster relationships, click on the kebab menu against the cluster and select Edit or

    2. Right-click a host cluster and select NetApp ONTAP tools > Protect Cluster.

  3. Select Add relationship.

  4. Add new relationship as either Asynchronous or AutomatedFailOverDuplex policy type.

  5. Click Protect.

  6. You can see the changes in the Protect Cluster window.

A vCenter task is created and you can track the progress in the Recent task panel.

Delete an existing SnapMirror relationship

To delete an asynchronous SnapMirror relationship, secondary site SVM or cluster should be added as storage backend on ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere. You cannot delete all the SnapMirror relationships. When you delete a relationship, respective relationship on ONTAP cluster is also removed. When you delete an AutomatedFailOverDuplex SnapMirror relationship, the datastores on the destination are unmapped and consistency group, LUNs, volumes, and igroups are removed from the destination ONTAP cluster.

Deleting the relationship triggers a rescan on secondary site to remove the unmapped LUN as active path from the hosts.

  1. Log in to the vSphere client using https://vcenterip/ui

  2. To edit the properties of a protected cluster, you can either

    1. Navigate to NetApp ONTAP tools > Protection > Host cluster relationships, click on the kebab menu against the cluster and select Edit or

    2. Right-click a host cluster and select NetApp ONTAP tools > Protect Cluster.

  3. Select the kebab menu under the SnapMirror settings and select Delete.

A vCenter task is created and you can track the progress in the Recent task panel.

Modify an existing SnapMirror relationship

To modify an asynchronous SnapMirror relationship, secondary site SVM or cluster should be added as storage backend on ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere. If it is an AutomatedFailOverDuplex SnapMirror relationship, you can modify the host proximity in case of uniform configuration and the host access in case of non-uniform configuration. You cannot interchange Asynchronous and AutomatedFailOverDuplex policy types. You can set the proximity or access for the newly discovered hosts on the cluster.

Note You cannot edit an existing asynchronous SnapMirror relationship.
  1. Log in to the vSphere client using https://vcenterip/ui

  2. To edit the properties of a protected cluster, you can either

    1. Navigate to NetApp ONTAP tools > Protection > Host cluster relationships, click on the kebab menu against the cluster and select Edit or

    2. Right-click a host cluster and select NetApp ONTAP tools > Protect Cluster.

  3. If AutomatedFailOverDuplex policy type is selected, add host proximity or host access details.

  4. Select Protect button.

A vCenter task is created and you can track the progress in the Recent task panel.