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ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10.0

ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere Quick Start


ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere is a single vCenter Server plug-in that includes ONTAP tools and VASA Provider extensions. ONTAP tools are recommended for all ONTAP vSphere environments as it configures ESXi host settings and provisions ONTAP storage using best practices. The VASA Provider is required for virtual volumes (vVols)support.

Preparing for installation

You deploy the plug-in as a virtual appliance, which reduces your effort of installing and registering each product separately with the vCenter Server.

Deployment requirements

Before deploying the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere, you should be familiar with the space requirements forthe deployment package and some basic host system requirements.

You can use the ONTAP tools with either a Windows vCenter Server or with a VMware vCenter Server VirtualAppliance (vCSA). You must deploy the ONTAP tools on a supported vSphere that includes ESXi system.

  • Installation package space requirements per node

    • 10 GB for thin provisioned installations

    • 200 GB for thick provisioned installations

  • Host system sizing requirements per node
    Recommended memory as per the size of deployment and per node is as shown in the table below:

Type of deployment



Small (S)



Medium (M)



Large (L)



Minimum storage and application requirements:

Storage, host, and applications Version requirements


ONTAP 9.10.1 , 9.11 , 9.12, and 9.13

VMware vSphere

Minimum supported VMware version is 7.0.3.

ESXi hosts

ESXi 7.0.3 or later version

vCenter server

vCenter 7.0.3

VASA provider


OVA Application


For more information, see Requirements for deploying the ONTAP tools

ONTAP tools requirements

  • Configure and set up your vCenter Server environment.

  • Download the .ova file.

  • The login credentials for your vCenter Server instance.

  • Delete the browser cache to avoid any browser cache issue during the deployment of the ONTAP tools.

  • Configure the default gateway to be used by the virtual appliance to respond to ICMP pings.

  • A valid DNS hostname for the virtual appliance.

Deploying ONTAP tools

  1. Download .zip file that contains binaries and signed certificates from the NetApp Support Site to a vSphere Client system to deploy the ONTAP tools.

  2. Extract the .zip file and deploy the .ova file.

  3. Log in to the vSphere server.

  4. Navigate to the resource pool or the host where you want to deploy the OVA.

  5. Right-click the required datacenter, and select Deploy OVF template…​.

  6. You can either enter the URL for the .ova file or browse to the folder where the .ova file is saved, and then select Next.

  7. Enter the required details to complete the deployment.

You can view the progress of the deployment from the Tasks tab, and wait for deployment to complete.