Restore a bucket from the destination storage VM (remote cluster)
If data in a source bucket is lost or corrupted, you can repopulate your data by restoring objects from a destination bucket.
You can restore the destination bucket to an existing bucket or a new bucket. The target bucket for the restore operation must be larger than the destination bucket's logical used space.
If you use an existing bucket, it must be empty when starting a restore operation. Restore does not "roll back" a bucket in time; rather, it populates an empty bucket with its previous contents.
The restore operation must be initiated from the remote cluster.
Restore the backed up data:
Click Protection > Relationships, then select SnapMirror S3.
and then select Restore.
Under Source, select Existing Bucket (the default) or New Bucket.
To restore to an Existing Bucket (the default), complete these actions:
Select the cluster and storage VM to search for the existing bucket.
Select the existing bucket.
Copy and paste the contents of the destination S3 server CA certificate.
To restore to a New Bucket, enter the following values:
The cluster and storage VM to host the new bucket.
The new bucket's name, capacity, and performance service level.
See Storage service levels for more information. -
The contents of the destination S3 server CA certificate.
Under Destination, copy and paste the contents of the source S3 server CA certificate.
Click Protection > Relationships to monitor the restore progress.
Beginning with ONTAP 9.14.1, you can back up locked buckets and restore them as needed.
You can restore an object-locked bucket to a new or existing bucket. You can select an object-locked bucket as the destination in the following scenarios:
Restore to a new bucket: When object locking is enabled, a bucket can be restored by creating a bucket that also has object locking enabled. When you restore a locked bucket, the object locking mode and retention period of the original bucket are replicated. You can also define a different lock retention period for the new bucket. This retention period is applied to non-locked objects from other sources.
Restore to an existing bucket: An object-locked bucket can be restored to an existing bucket, as long as versioning and a similar object-locking mode are enabled on the existing bucket. The retention tenure of the original bucket is maintained.
Restore non-locked bucket: Even if object locking is not enabled on a bucket, you can restore it to a bucket that has object locking enabled and is on the source cluster. When you restore the bucket, all the non-locked objects become locked, and the retention mode and tenure of the destination bucket become applicable to them.
Create the new destination bucket for restore. For more information, see Create a backup relationship for a new bucket (cloud target).
Initiate a restore operation for the destination bucket:
snapmirror restore -source-path svm_name:/bucket/bucket_name -destination-path svm_name:/bucket/bucket_name
dest_cluster::> snapmirror restore -source-path src_vs1:/bucket/test-bucket -destination-path dest_vs1:/bucket/test-bucket-mirror