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SaaS Backup For Partner Central

Manage notifications

Contributors netapp-rlithman

In SaaS Backup Partner Central, you can add, modify, and delete notifications for different users.

You can enable or disable the following notifications:

  • Add user to role

  • Customer delete success

  • Customer onboard success

  • Customer delete failure

  • Customer onboard failure

  1. From the dashboard, click settings icon.

  2. Select Notifications from the dropdown menu.

    settings dropdown menu select notifications

  3. In Notification Management, you can add, modify, and delete notifications.

    notification management screen

    1. To add notifications, click add notification icon to add notifications to a user.

      In Add Notification, enter the email address for the user. Select notifications you want to enable and click Add.

      customize notifications

    2. To modify notifications, click pencil icon.

    3. To delete notifications, click delete icon.