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NetApp SMI-S Provider

smis addsecure


The smis addsecure command adds a storage system with an HTTPS connection to your configuration to enable you to manage and monitor the device. Unless is it necessary, you should use smis addsecure instead of smis add.


smis addsecure

storage_sys storage_sys_user
[-t {http | https}]


Operating systems using languages other than U.S. English cannot use the addsecure command.


C:\Program Files (x86)\NetApp\smis\pegasus\bin

Privilege level

Administrator (Windows)

  • storage_sys

    Name or IP address of the storage system that you are adding

    If you are specifying the IP address, you can use IPv4 or IPv6. Both compressed and full IPv6 addressees are supported, for example 1001:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0003:0004 or 1001:2::3:4.

  • storage_sys_user

    User name of the administrator who manages the storage system that you are adding

  • storage_sys_pwd

    Optional: password of the administrator who manages the storage system that you are adding

    As a best practice, do not use this parameter for security reasons. This parameter is provided only for automation and backward compatibility.

  • [-t {http | https}]

    Protocol to be used: HTTPS (default) or HTTP

Storage system-agent and agent-client protocol

The smis add and smis addsecure commands determine the protocol used between the storage system and the provider. The [-t {http | https}] parameter determines the protocol used between the provider and the client.

The smis addsecure command and the [-t {https}] parameter connects using SSL encryption, and unencrypted traffic is not allowed. The smis add command and the [-t {http}] parameter connects without using SSL encryption, and unencrypted traffic is allowed.

You should consider your environment's security needs before disabling SSL-encrypted connections.


Add a storage system using IPv4 with an IP address of over HTTPS:

smis addsecure user2 password2

A confirmation message appears that the storage system was successfully added. If an error occurred, an error message appears.


Add a storage system using IPv6 over HTTPS:

smis addsecure 1001:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0003:0004 user2 password2
smis addsecure 1001:2::3:4 user2 password2

A confirmation message appears that the storage system was successfully added. If an error occurred, an error message appears.


Add a storage system with an IP address of over HTTPS on a non-English-language system:

cimcli -n root/ontap ci ontap_filerdata hostname="" username="vsadmin" password="PasSw0Rd" port=443 comMechanism="HTTPS" --timeout 180