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NetApp SMI-S Provider

Verify that the storage system is working correctly


Before SMI-S Provider can be configured, you must add at least one storage system to the CIMOM repository, and then verify that the storage system is working correctly.

Before you begin
  • You must already have logged in as Administrator.

  • You must already have accessed SMI-S Provider.

  1. Add at least one storage system to the CIMOM repository:

    To add a storage system with an…​ Enter this command…​

    HTTP connection between the provider and the storage system

    smis add storage_sys storage_sys_user

    HTTPS connection between the provider and the storage system

    smis addsecure storage_sys storage_sys_user

    The command waits for up to 15 minutes for the provider to update the cache and respond.

  2. Verify the output for the following commands:

    For this command…​ Verify that…​

    smis list

    The number of items matches the number of storage systems being managed.

    smis disks

    The number of disks matches the total number of disks on all storage systems.

    smis luns

    The number of LUNs matches the total number of LUNs on all storage systems.

    smis pools

    The number of ONTAP_ConcretePools matches the total number of aggregates on all storage systems.

    smis volumes

    The number of volumes matches the total number of volumes on all storage systems.