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Snap Creator Framework

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Contributors netapp-aherbin

Active IQ, AltaVault, Arch Design, ASUP, AutoSupport, Campaign Express, Clustered Data ONTAP, Customer Fitness, Data ONTAP, DataMotion, Fitness, Flash Accel, Flash Cache, Flash Pool, FlexArray, FlexCache, FlexClone, FlexGroup, FlexPod, FlexScale, FlexShare, FlexVol, FPolicy, Fueled by SolidFire, GetSuccessful, Helix Design, LockVault, Manage ONTAP, MetroCluster, MultiStore, NetApp, NetApp Insight, OnCommand, ONTAP, ONTAPI, RAID DP, RAID-TEC, SANscreen, SANshare, SANtricity, SecureShare, Simplicity, Simulate ONTAP, Snap Creator, SnapCenter, SnapCopy, SnapDrive, SnapIntegrator, SnapLock, SnapManager, SnapMirror, SnapMover, SnapProtect, SnapRestore, Snapshot, SnapValidator, SnapVault, SolidFire, SolidFire Helix, StorageGRID, SyncMirror, Tech OnTap, Unbound Cloud, and WAFL and other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of NetApp, Inc., in the United States, and/or other countries. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. A current list of NetApp trademarks is available on the web.