Starting the SnapVault relationships with clustered Data ONTAP
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You need to define a SnapMirror policy before you start a SnapVault relationship.
For storage systems running clustered Data ONTAP, you start the SnapVault relationships by running the following command.
hana::> snapmirror policy create -vserver hana2b -policy SV_HANA hana::> snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver hana2b -policy SV_HANA -snapmirror-label daily -keep 20 hana::> snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver hana2b -policy SV_HANA -snapmirror-label hourly -keep 10 hana::> snapmirror policy show -vserver hana2b -policy SV_HANA Vserver: hana2b SnapMirror Policy Name: SV_HANA Policy Owner: vserver-admin Tries Limit: 8 Transfer Priority: normal Ignore accesstime Enabled: false Transfer Restartability: always Comment: - Total Number of Rules: 2 Total Keep: 8 Rules: Snapmirror-label Keep Preserve Warn ----------------- ---- -------- ---- daily 20 false 0 hourly 10 false 0
The policy must contain rules for all retention classes (labels) that are used in the Snap Creator configuration. The above commands show how to create a dedicated SnapMirror policy SV_HANA
To create and start the SnapVault relationship on the cluster console of the backup cluster, run the following commands.
hana::> snapmirror create -source-path hana1a:hana_data -destination-path hana2b:backup_hana_data -type XDP –policy SV_HANA Operation succeeded: snapmirror create the relationship with destination hana2b:backup_hana_data. hana::> snapmirror initialize -destination-path hana2b:backup_hana_data -type XDP