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SnapCenter 5.0 cmdlets



Removes an existing clone.


Remove-SmClone [-CloneName]  <String>  [-PluginCode]  <PluginCode>  [-CloneAppObjectId]  <String>  [-Force]  <>  [-IsOracleAppVol]  <String>  [-PreCloneDeleteScriptPath]  <String>  [-UnMountCommands]  <String>

Detailed Description

Removes an existing clone.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Specifies the name of the clone you want to remove.




Specifies the plug-in code for the plug-in host whose clone you want to remove.




Specifies the ID of the clone application object.




Enables you to unregister a clone that has been removed outside of SnapCenter.


true (ByPropertyName)


This is a Oracle Application Volume specific parameter. It specifies the flag which enables to provide Pre-clone Deletion script and Unmount cmds to be run before Oracle Application Volume Clone Deletion.


true (ByPropertyName)


This is an Oracle Application Volume specific parameter and IsOracleAppVol flag needs to be set to use this. It specifies absolute path of the executable script to be run before Clone deletion. The script should be located either at /var/opt/snapcenter/spl/scripts/ or any directory inside the path on the Oracle Plug-in host.


true (ByPropertyName)


This is an Oracle Application Volume specific parameter and IsOracleAppVol flag needs to be set to use this. It specifies commands to unmount a file system from the Clone Host before Clone deletion. Enter multiple mount commands separated by semi colon (;).


true (ByPropertyName)


Example 1: Removing a clone

 Remove-SmClone -CloneName payrollclone_dataset__clone__08-05-2015_14.41.11

This example syntax removes the specified clone.

Are you sure you want to remove the clone?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
Name: Deleting clone 'payrollclone_dataset__clone__08-05-2015_14.41.11'
Id  : 91
StartTime   : 8/5/2015 2:47:14 PM
EndTime :
IsCancellable   : False
IsRestartable   : False
IsCompleted : False
IsVisible   : False
IsScheduled : False
PercentageCompleted : 0
Description :
Status  : Queued
Owner   :
Error   :
Priority: None
Tasks   : {}
ParentJobID : 0
EventId : 0

Example 2: Removing a clone without the confirm dialogue

 Remove-SmClone -CloneName payrollclone_dataset__clone__08-05-2015_14.41.11 -Confirm:$false

This example syntax removes the specified clone.

Name: Deleting clone 'payrollclone_dataset__clone__08-05-2015_14.41.11'
Id  : 91
StartTime   : 8/5/2015 2:47:14 PM
EndTime :
IsCancellable   : False
IsRestartable   : False
IsCompleted : False
IsVisible   : False
IsScheduled : False
PercentageCompleted : 0
Description :
Status  : Queued
Owner   :
Error   :
Priority: None
Tasks   : {}
ParentJobID : 0
EventId : 0

Example 3: Removing an Oracle Application Volume clone with PreCloneDeletion Script and Unmount Command

 Remove-SmClone -CloneName R8092776CF4V1_HNK2_com_appVol4__clone__3221_11-06-2021_05.57.33 -PluginCode SCO -IsOracleAppVol -PreCloneDeleteScriptPath "/var/opt/snapcenter/spl/scripts/" -UnMountCommands "unmount /mnt/test"

This example syntax removes the specified Oracle Application Volume clone, PreCloneDeletion Script and Unmount Command are specified.

			Are you sure you want to remove the clone?
			[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):
			Name: Deleting clone 'R8092776CF4V1_HNK2_com_appVol4__clone__3221_11-06-2021_05.57.33'
			Id  : 3222
			StartTime   : 11/6/2021 6:35:42 AM
			EndTime :
			IsCancellable   : False
			IsRestartable   : False
			IsCompleted : False
			IsVisible   : True
			IsScheduled : False
			PercentageCompleted : 0
			Description :
			Status  : Queued
			Owner   :
			Error   :
			Priority: None
			Tasks   : {}
			ParentJobID : 0
			EventId : 0
			JobTypeId   : 7
			ApisJobKey  :
			ObjectId: 0
			PluginCode  : SCO
			PluginName  : SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle Database
			HostId  : 0
			RoleId  :
			JobIds  : {}

Example 4: Removing an Oracle Application Volume clone

 Remove-SmClone -CloneName R8092776CF4V1_HNK2_com_appVol4__clone__3221_11-06-2021_05.57.33 -PluginCode SCO

This example syntax removes the specified Oracle Application Volume clone.

			Are you sure you want to remove the clone?
			[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):
			Name: Deleting clone 'R8092776CF4V1_HNK2_com_appVol4__clone__3221_11-06-2021_05.57.33'
			Id  : 3222
			StartTime   : 11/6/2021 6:35:42 AM
			EndTime :
			IsCancellable   : False
			IsRestartable   : False
			IsCompleted : False
			IsVisible   : True
			IsScheduled : False
			PercentageCompleted : 0
			Description :
			Status  : Queued
			Owner   :
			Error   :
			Priority: None
			Tasks   : {}
			ParentJobID : 0
			EventId : 0
			JobTypeId   : 7
			ApisJobKey  :
			ObjectId: 0
			PluginCode  : SCO
			PluginName  : SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle Database
			HostId  : 0
			RoleId  :
			JobIds  : {}

Example 5: Removing a UnixFileSystems plug-in clone without the confirm dialogue

 Remove-SmClone -CloneName 'RG_PS_linuxfs201_LVM1_12648__clone__2763__netapp_VGNFS1_LVM1_12-12-2023_12.04.17' -PluginCode 'UnixFileSystems' -Confirm:$false

This example syntax removes the specified clone.

			Name: Deleting clone 'RG_PS_linuxfs201_LVM1_12648__clone__2763__netapp_VGNFS1_LVM1_12-12-2023_12.04.17'
			Id  : 2764
			StartTime   : 12/12/2023 8:37:14 AM
			EndTime :
			IsCancellable   : False
			IsRestartable   : False
			IsCompleted : False
			IsVisible   : True
			IsScheduled : False
			PercentageCompleted : 0
			Description :
			Status  : Queued
			Owner   :
			Error   :
			Priority: None
			Tasks   : {}
			ParentJobID : 0
			EventId : 0
			JobTypeId   : 7
			ApisJobKey  :
			ObjectId: 0
			PluginCode  : SCC
			PluginName  : PluginCreator
			HostId  : 0
			RoleId  :
			JobIds  : {}