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SnapCenter 6.0 cmdlets



Lists the Snapshot copies for a specified set of volumes, logical disks, or SMB shares.


Get-SdSnapshot [-Path]  <Object[]>  [-Snapshot]  <String>  [-VersionUuid]  <String>  [-GetAllSnapshots]  <>  [-GetSecondarySnapshots]  <>  [-Session]  <String>  [-Host]  <String>  [-StorageSystem]  <String>  [-VolumeName]  <String>  [-Snapshot]  <String>  [-VersionUuid]  <String>  [-GetAllSnapshots]  <>  [-GetSecondarySnapshots]  <>  [-Session]  <String>  [-Host]  <String>

Detailed Description

Lists the Snapshot copies for a specified set of volumes, logical disks, or SMB shares. You can also use this cmdlet to get information about a specific Snapshot copy.Related cmdlets: New-SdSnapshot Remove-SdSnapshot, Rename-SdSnapshot and Restore-SdSnapshot


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value


Specifies avolumes, logical disks, or a comma-separated list of SMB shares. You cannot mix a logical disk or mount point with SMB shares in the same input path.


true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


Names the Snapshot copy about which you want information. If you do not use this parameter, all the Snapshot copies for the specified list of SMB shares, Windows volume, or Windows logical disk is returned.


true (ByPropertyName)


Indicates the version of the Snapshot copy about which you want information.


true (ByPropertyName)


Indicates that you want to get information about both primary and secondary Snapshot copies. The default behavior is to enumerate only the primary Snapshot copies.




Indicates that you want to retrieve information about secondary Snapshot copies only.




Specifies the session ID from Open-SmConnection.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the name or IP address of the host on which you execute the operation. The default is your local machine.


true (ByPropertyName)


Specifies the name of the storage system on which the Snapshot copies are located.


true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


Specifies the name of the volume you are querying.


true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)


Example 1: Getting Snapshot copies for the specified list of SMB shares

 PS C:\> Get-SdSnapshot -path "\\CifsServer\sqlshare", "\\CifsServer\sqlshare2"

This example syntax gets a list of Snapshot copies for the list of SMB shares you provide.

PS C:\Users\administrator.NEXTGEN> Get-SdSnapshot -Path "\\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source", "\\CIFS_SERV\test_vol1" -Verbose
VERBOSE: Validating input paths.
AccessTime: 1373664154
AccessTimeDT  : 7/12/2013 9:22:34 PM
Busy  : False
ContainsLunClones :
CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks : 0
CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks  : 1
CumulativeTotalBlocks : 1052076
CumulativeTotalkb : 1077325824
Is7ModeSnapshot   : False
PercentageOfTotalBlocks   : 0
PercentageOfUsedBlocks: 0
SnapshotInstanceUuid  : eb674595-5901-453e-9e83-93322e1f6547
SnapshotOwnersList: {}
TotalBlocks   : 296
TotalKb   : 303104
SnapshotName  : KII
AccessPoint   : \\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source
StorageSystemName : vserver1
StorageVolumeName : snapvault_source
VersionUuid   : eb674595-5901-453e-9e83-93322e1f6547
AccessTime: 1373664320
AccessTimeDT  : 7/12/2013 9:25:20 PM
Busy  : False
ContainsLunClones :
CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks : 0
CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks  : 1
CumulativeTotalBlocks : 1051780
CumulativeTotalkb : 1077022720
Is7ModeSnapshot   : False
PercentageOfTotalBlocks   : 0
PercentageOfUsedBlocks: 0
SnapshotInstanceUuid  : 12e542fe-f771-41ed-8ffe-f4a922337c3f
SnapshotOwnersList: {}
TotalBlocks   : 116200
TotalKb   : 118988800
SnapshotName  : Koo
AccessPoint   : \\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source
StorageSystemName : vserver1
StorageVolumeName : snapvault_source
VersionUuid   : 12e542fe-f771-41ed-8ffe-f4a922337c3f
AccessTime: 1373678045
AccessTimeDT  : 7/13/2013 1:14:05 AM
Busy  : False
ContainsLunClones :
CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks : 0
CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks  : 1
CumulativeTotalBlocks : 935580
CumulativeTotalkb : 958033920
Is7ModeSnapshot   : False
PercentageOfTotalBlocks   : 0
PercentageOfUsedBlocks: 1
SnapshotInstanceUuid  : fca29895-f5cf-4737-a1df-e3915ff3e551
SnapshotOwnersList: {}
TotalBlocks   : 935580
TotalKb   : 958033920
SnapshotName  : JI
AccessPoint   : \\CIFS_SERV\snapvault_source
StorageSystemName : vserver1
StorageVolumeName : snapvault_source
VersionUuid   : fca29895-f5cf-4737-a1df-e3915ff3e551
AccessTime: 1374096530
AccessTimeDT  : 7/17/2013 9:28:50 PM
Busy  : False
ContainsLunClones :
CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks : 0
CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks  : 0
CumulativeTotalBlocks : 9196
CumulativeTotalkb : 9416704
Is7ModeSnapshot   : False
PercentageOfTotalBlocks   : 0
PercentageOfUsedBlocks: 0
SnapshotInstanceUuid  : 22e13abf-89bf-442e-9a0a-832dc1d0a534
SnapshotOwnersList: {}
TotalBlocks   : 4180
TotalKb   : 4280320
SnapshotName  : new_SP1
AccessPoint   : \\CIFS_SERv\test_vol1
StorageSystemName : vserver1
StorageVolumeName : test_vol1
VersionUuid   : 22e13abf-89bf-442e-9a0a-832dc1d0a534
AccessTime: 1374263040
AccessTimeDT  : 7/19/2013 7:44:00 PM
Busy  : False
ContainsLunClones :
CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks : 0
CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks  : 0
CumulativeTotalBlocks : 5016
CumulativeTotalkb : 5136384
Dependency: snapmirror
Is7ModeSnapshot   : False
PercentageOfTotalBlocks   : 0
PercentageOfUsedBlocks: 0
SnapshotInstanceUuid  : 49b7b1cf-9fa2-4737-b3b8-df294bb570ea
SnapshotOwnersList: {}
TotalBlocks   : 4168
TotalKb   : 4268032
SnapshotName  : snapmirror.9a000021-fb71-11e1-8315-123478563412_2147484917.2013-07-19_124400
AccessPoint   : \\CIFS_SERV\test_vol1
StorageSystemName : vserver1
StorageVolumeName : test_vol1
VersionUuid   : 49b7b1cf-9fa2-4737-b3b8-df294bb570ea
AccessTime: 1374517978
AccessTimeDT  : 7/22/2013 6:32:58 PM
Busy  : False
ContainsLunClones :
CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks : 0
CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks  : 0
CumulativeTotalBlocks : 848
CumulativeTotalkb : 868352
Is7ModeSnapshot   : False
PercentageOfTotalBlocks   : 0
PercentageOfUsedBlocks: 0
SnapshotInstanceUuid  : 318d16e2-df58-495c-87ee-cd6a1d054447
SnapshotOwnersList: {}
TotalBlocks   : 848
TotalKb   : 868352
SnapshotName  : local
AccessPoint   : \\CIFS_SERV\test_vol1
StorageSystemName : vserver1
StorageVolumeName : test_vol1
VersionUuid   : 318d16e2-df58-495c-87ee-cd6a1d054447

Example 2: Getting information for the Snapshot copy "test"

 PS C:\> Get-SdSnapshot -path "\\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare" -snapshot "test"

This example syntax gets information for Snapshot copy "test" on the SMB share \\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare.

Example 3: Getting the latest Snapshot backup of the specified SMB share

 PS C:\> Get-SdSnapshot -path "\\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare"| sort-object AccessTimeDT -ascending | select-object -last 1

This example syntax gets the latest Snapshot backup of the SMB share \\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare.

Example 4: Getting secondary Snapshot copies for the specified list of SMB shares

 PS C:\> Get-SdSnapshot -path "\\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare", "\\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare2" -GetSecondarySnapshots

This example syntax gets a list of secondary Snapshot copies for list of SMB shares that you specify.

Example 5: Getting information for specific Snapshot version for specified SMB share

 PS C:\> Get-SdSnapshot -path "\\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare"
-SnapshotVersionUuid "d9bda43e-1e00-4fa9-9c7e-72d8dc5ca0b"

This example syntax gets the information for Snapshot copy version "d9bda43e-1e00-4fa9-9c7e-72d8dc5ca0b" on the SMB share \\SQLCifsServer\sqlshare.

Example 6: Getting Snapshot copies for a specified LUN

 PS C:\> Get-SdSnapshot -path D:

This example syntax gets the latest Snapshot copies from the specified disk.