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Snapdrive for Unix

Connecting to a Snapshot copy that contains LUNs


You can connect to a Snapshot copy that contains LUNs by using the snapdrive snap connect command.

  1. Enter the following command syntax to connect to a Snapshot copy that contains LUNs:

    snapdrive snap connect -lun s_lun_name d_lun_name [[-lun] s_lun_name d_lun_name…​ -snapname long_snap_name [-igroup ig_name [ig_name…​]] [-split]

    Note The s_lun_name and d_lun_name should be in the format lun_name or qtree_name/lun_name.

SnapDrive for UNIX clones the LUNs you specify and connects them to a new location.

The following example connects the LUN mylun1, in hornet/vol/vol1/tuesdaysnapshot to mylun1copy:

# ./snapdrive snap connect -lun mylun1 mylun1copy -snapname
connecting hornet:/vol/vol1/mylun1:
LUN copy mylun1copy ... created
(original: hornet:/vol/vol1/mylun1) mapping new lun(s) ... done
discovering new lun(s) ... done

The following example connects two LUNs, mylun1 and mylun2, to mylun1copy and mylun2copy, respectively:

# ./snapdrive snap connect -lun mylun1 mylun1copy -lun mylun2
mylun2copy -snapname hornet:/vol/vol1:tuesdaysnapshot
connecting hornet:/vol/vol1/mylun1:
LUN copy mylun1copy ... created
(original: hornet:/vol/vol1/mylun1)
mapping new lun(s) ... done
connecting hornet:/vol/vol1/mylun2:
LUN copy mylun2copy ... created
(original: hornet:/vol/vol1/mylun2)
mapping new lun(s) ... done
discovering new lun(s) ... done