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Snapdrive for Unix

Host filespec information for a particular volume


SnapDrive for UNIX as part of volume restore preview report displays the LUN mapping information. This displayed information is relevant for the checks and the normal files are reverted. Finding out all the host filespecs based on LUNs on a particular volume is a time consuming process and slows down the volume restore process.

If you want to know that the host filespec information for the local host mapped to a particular storage system volume, you can use snapdrive storage show -filervol <full-volume-name>. An example of this is shown in the following.

#snapdrive storage show -filervol bart:/vol/volusecase2

Connected LUNs and devices:

 device filename        adapter path    size    proto   state   clone   lun path           backing snapshot
----------------        ------- ----    ----    -----   -----   -----   --------                        ----------------
/dev/sdg                  -     P       100m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase2/lun5          -

Host devices and file systems:

dg: vbsrfs_1_SdDg               dgtype lvm
hostvol: /dev/mapper/vbsrfs_1_SdDg-vbsrfs_1_SdHv        state: AVAIL
fs: /dev/mapper/vbsrfs_1_SdDg-vbsrfs_1_SdHv     mount point: /mnt/vbsrfs_1 (persistent) fstype ext3

 device filename     adapter path    size    proto   state   clone   lun path           backing snapshot
----------------        ------- ----    ----    -----   -----   -----   --------                        ----------------
/dev/sdbe                 -     P       100m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase1/lun9_0        -
/dev/sdbf                 -     P       100m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase2/lun4_0        -

raw device: /dev/sdbr1  mount point: /mnt/fs11 (persistent) fstype ext3

 device filename     adapter path    size    proto   state   clone   lun path           backing snapshot
----------------        ------- ----    ----    -----   -----   -----   --------                        ----------------
/dev/sdbr                 -     P       200m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase2/fs11_SdLun    -

NFS device: bart:/vol/volusecase1        mount point: /mnt/volusecase1 (non-persistent)

LUNs not connected to this host:

 lun path                                           size   state
 -----------------------------               ------ ------
 bart:/vol/volusecase2/lunotherhost 20m   online