Information required for using the snapdrive snap create command
PDF of this doc site
Administration for Linux
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
Installation and Administration for Solaris
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
- Creating and using Snapshot copies in SnapDrive for UNIX
Installation and Administration for IBM AIX
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
Administration for Linux
Collection of separate PDF docs
Creating your file...
When you create a Snapshot copy, you should determine the storage entity that you want to capture and specify a name of the Snapshot copy.
The following table provides the information you need when you use the snapdrive snap create
Requirement/Options | Argument | ||
Determine the type of storage entity you want to capture in the Snapshot copy. You can specify NFS entities, LUNs, file systems created directly on LUNs, and LVM entities on a single command line. Supply that entity's name with the appropriate argument. This is the value for the
LUN ( |
Name of the LUN You must include the name of the storage system, volume, and LUN. |
Disk group ( |
Name of the disk or volume group |
File system ( |
filesystem_name |
Host volume ( |
Name of the host or logical volume
Snapshot copy name ( |
Snapshot copy_name |
Specify the name for the Snapshot copy. This can be either the long version of the name that includes the storage system and volume with the Snapshot copy name or the short version that is the Snapshot copy name.
~ |
Optional: To create a Snapshot copy of storage entities that have no dependent writes when the Snapshot copy is created, SnapDrive for UNIX creates a crash-consistent Snapshot copy of the individual storage entities, but does not try to make the entities consistent with each other. |
~ |
~ |
Optional: Decide if you want to overwrite an existing Snapshot copy. Without this option, this operation halts if you supply the name of an existing Snapshot copy. When you supply this option and specify the name of an existing Snapshot copy, the command prompts you to confirm that you want to overwrite the Snapshot copy. To prevent SnapDrive for UNIX from displaying the prompt, include the |
Optional: Specify the type of file system and volume manager to be used for SnapDrive for UNIX operations. |