Operation with multiple Operations Manager console servers managing storage systems
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The following output shows the error message you would receive when storage systems are managed by multiple Operations Managers console.
[root]# snapdrive storage create -lun storage_array1:/vol/vol1/lun5 lun6 -lun storage_array2:/vol/vol1/lun2 -lunsize 100m 0002-332 Admin error:SD.Storage.Write access denied on volume storage_array1:/vol/vol1 for user unix_host\root on Operations Manager server ops_mngr_server1 SD.Storage.Write access denied on volume storage_array2:/vol/vol1 for user unix_host\root on Operations Manager server ops_mngr_server2
storage_array1 is managed by ops_mngr_server1 and storage_array2 is managed by ops_mngr_server2. Administrator of unix_host is not authorized to create filespecs on storage_array1 and storage_array2. In the preceding example SnapDrive for UNIX displays the Operations Manager console used to determine access.