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Snapdrive for Unix

Configuration command lines


SnapDrive for UNIX commands are used for configuration operations.

The following command-line options are used for configuration operations.

  • snapdrive config access {show | list} filername

  • snapdrive config check luns

  • snapdrive config delete appliance_name [appliance_name …​]

  • snapdrive config list

  • snapdrive config set [-dfm] user_name appliance_name [appliance_name …​]

  • snapdrive config set [-viadmin] user_name viadmin_name

  • snapdrive config show [host_file_name]

  • snapdrive config check cluster

  • snapdrive config prepare luns -count count

  • snapdrive config migrate set storage_system_name new_storage_system_nam

  • snapdrive config migrate delete new_storage_system_name [new_storage_system_name…​]

  • snapdrive config migrate list

  • snapdrive portset add portset_name filername [filername …​]

  • snapdrive portset delete filername [filername …​]`

  • snapdrive portset list

  • snapdrive igroup add igroup_name filername [filername …​]`

  • snapdrive igroup delete filername [filername …​]`

  • snapdrive igroup list