Snapshot operation command lines
SnapDrive for UNIX commands are used for Snapshot operations.
The following table gives various command-line options for Snapshot operations.
Operation |
Command-line options |
snapdrive snap create [-lun | -dg | -vg | -hostvol | -lvol | -fs] file_spec [file_spec …] [{-lun | -dg | -vg | -hostvol | -lvol | -fs} file_spec [file_spec …] …] -snapname snap_name [-force [-noprompt]] [-unrelated] [-fstype type] [-vmtype type]
snapdrive snap { show | list } -filervol filervol [filervol…][-verbose]
snapdrive snap { show | list } [-verbose] {-vg | -dg | -fs | -lvol | -hostvol} file_spec [file_spec…] [-fstype type] [-vmtype type]
snapdrive snap [-verbose] [-snapname] long_snap_name [snap_name …]
snapdrive snap {show |list} [-verbose] [-lun | -vg | -dg | -fs | -lvol | -hostvol] file_spec [file_spec…]
snapdrive snap connect -lun s_lun_named_lun_name [[-lun] s_lun_named_lun_name …] -snapname long_snap_name [-split] [-clone {lunclone | optimal | unrestricted}] [-prefixfvprefixstr] [-verbose]
In a snapdrive snap connect command, the LUN name should be in the format lun_name or qtree_name/lun_name .
snapdrive snap connect fspec_set [fspec_set…] -snapname long_snap_name [-autoexpand] [-autorename] [-nopersist] [-mntopts options] [{-reserve | -noreserve}] [-readonly] [-split] [-clone {lunclone | optimal | unrestricted}] [-prefixfv prefixstr] [-verbose]
The fspec_set argument has the following format:
[-vg | -dg | -fs | -lvol | -hostvol] src_file_spec[dest_file_spec] [{-destdg | -destvg} dgname] [{-destlv | -desthv} lvname]
snapdrive snap rename -old_long_snap_name new_snap_name [-force [-noprompt]]
snapdrive snap restore [-lun | -dg | -vg | -hostvol | -lvol | -fs | -file] file_spec [file_spec …] [{-lun | -dg | -vg | -hostvol | -lvol | -fs | -file} file_spec [file_spec …] …] -snapname snap_name [-force [-noprompt]] [-mntopts options][{-reserve | -noreserve}] [-vbsr [preview|execute]]
snapdrive snap disconnect -lun long_lun_name [lun_name…] [-fstype type] [-vmtype type][-split]
snapdrive snap disconnect {-dg | -vg | -hostvol | -lvol | -fs} file_spec [file_spec …] [{-dg | -vg | -hostvol | -lvol | -fs} file_spec [file_spec …] …] [-full] [-fstype type] [-vmtype type] [-split]
snapdrive snap delete [-snapname] long_snap_name [snap_name…][-verbose] [-force [-noprompt]]