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Snapdrive for Unix

Disconnecting a file specification


You can disconnect a file specification. The following example describes how you can complete this operation.

The layout of /mnt/fs1_0 is given in the following.

# snapdrive storage show -fs /mnt/fs_1_0 -capabilities
raw device: /dev/sde1   mount point: /mnt/fs_1_0 (persistent) fstype ufs
allowed operations: all

device filename    adapter  path    size    proto   state   clone         lun path                                                         backing snapshot
----------------   -------  ----    ----    -----   -----   -----         --------                                                         ----------------
/dev/sde              -      P      100m    iscsi   online  flex-clone    homer:/vol/Snapdrive_vol1_volume_clone_from_snap2_snapshot/lun1    vol1:snap2

The following output shows how to disconnect the file system /mnt/fs_1_0:

#snapdrive snap disconnect -fs /mnt/fs_1_0
 delete file system /mnt/fs_1_0
- fs /mnt/fs_1_0 ... deleted
         - LUN homer:/vol/Snapdrive_vol1_volume_clone_from_snap2_snapshot/lun1 ... disconnected
         - deleting volume clone ... homer:/vol/Snapdrive_vol1_volume_clone_from_snap2_snapshot  done

After disconnecting the file system /mnt/fs_1_0, SnapDrive for UNIX also deletes the cloned volume Snapdrive_vol1_0_volume_clone_from_snap2_snapshot, if the following conditions are met:

  • No mapped LUNs are present in the volume

  • No new LUNs are present

  • No new Snapshot copies are present

Deleting a FlexClone not created by SnapDrive for UNIX: SnapDrive for UNIX does not allow deletion of FlexClone not created by it.