Operation with multiple filespec and storage objects
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Administration for Linux
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
Installation and Administration for Solaris
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
- Creating and using Snapshot copies in SnapDrive for UNIX
Installation and Administration for IBM AIX
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
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The following example shows the error message you would receive when you are not an authorized user to carry out the specific operation.
[marc]$ snapdrive storage create -lun storage_array1:/vol/vol1/lun5 lun6 -lun storage_array1:/vol/vol2/lun2 -lunsize 100m 0002-332 Admin error:SD.Storage.Write access denied on volume storage_array1:/vol/vol1 for user nis_domain\marc on Operations Manager server ops_mngr_server SD.Storage.Write access denied on volume storage_array1:/vol/vol2 for user nis_domain\marc on Operations Manager server ops_mngr_server
In this example, three LUNs reside on two storage system volume, vol1 and vol2. User Marc belongs to nis_domain and is not authorized to create filespec on vol1 and vol2. SnapDrive for UNIX displays the two error messages in the preceding example. The error messages show that the user must have SD.Storage.Write
access on vol1 and vol2.