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Snapdrive for Unix

Operation with multiple storage objects


The following example shows the error message you would receive when you are not an authorized user to carry out the specific operation.

[john]$ snapdrive storage show –all

Connected LUNs and devices:

device filename   adapter  path  size  proto  state  clone  lun path                           backing Snapshot
----------------  -------  ----  ----  -----  -----  -----  --------                           ---------------
/dev/sdao            -     -     200m  iscsi  online  No    storage_array1:/vol/vol2/passlun1           -
/dev/sda1            -     -     200m  fcp    online  No    storage_array1:/vol/vol2/passlun2           -

Host devices and file systems:

dg: testfs1_SdDg                dgtype lvm
hostvol: /dev/mapper/testfs1_SdDg-testfs1_SdHv  state: AVAIL
fs: /dev/mapper/testfs1_SdDg-testfs1_SdHv       mount point: /mnt/testfs1 (persistent) fstype ufs

device filename   adapter  path  size  proto  state   clone  lun path                                backing Snapshot
----------------  -------  ----  ----  -----  -----   -----  --------                                ---------
/dev/sdn             -      P    108m  iscsi  online   No    storage_array1:/vol/vol2/testfs1_SdLun         -
/dev/sdn1             -      P    108m  fcp  online   No    storage_array1:/vol/vol2/testfs1_SdLun1         -

0002-719 Warning: SD.Storage.Read access denied on volume storage_array1:/vol/vol1 for user unix_host\john on Operations Manager server ops_mngr_server

John is authorized to list storage entities on vol2 but not on vol1. SnapDrive for UNIX displays entities of vol1 and displays a warning message for vol2.

Note For storage list, storage show, snap list, and snap show commands SnapDrive for UNIX displays a warning instead of error.