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Snapdrive for Unix

Performing post-installation checks


After the installation is complete, you must perform a few tasks to ensure that SnapDrive for UNIX is installed successfully.

  1. Verify that the installation program has installed all the necessary files on your host.

  2. Confirm that the configuration variables in the snapdrive.conf file have the correct settings.

    For the majority of these variables, the default values should be applicable.

  3. Supply SnapDrive for UNIX with the current storage system login information.

    When you set up your storage system, you supplied a user login for it. SnapDrive for UNIX needs this login information to work with the storage system.

  4. To use role-based access control (RBAC), set the rbac-method=dfm variable in the snapdrive.conf file.

    By default, SnapDrive 4.0 for UNIX and later accesses the storage systems using the root credentials. The RBAC functionality is not turned on.

  5. To use HTTPS for a secure connection with the storage system and daemon service, set the use-https-to-sdu-daemon=on in the snapdrive.conf file.

    Note SnapDrive 5.0 for UNIX and later versions support HTTPS for daemon communication. By default, the option is set to off.
  6. Install the server certificate that is used by SnapDrive for UNIX in the

    sdu-daemon-certificate-path=/opt/NTAPsnapdrive/snapdrive.pem path as specified in the snapdrive.conf file.

  7. Change the default password for the SnapDrive for UNIX daemon service by running the following command:

    snapdrived passwd

  8. Check the details of the installed configuration components in /var/log/sdconfcheck.out.