Checking the version of SnapDrive for UNIX
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Administration for Linux
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
Installation and Administration for Solaris
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
- Creating and using Snapshot copies in SnapDrive for UNIX
Installation and Administration for IBM AIX
- Role-based access control in SnapDrive for UNIX
Administration for Linux
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You can verify the version of SnapDrive for UNIX by entering the snapdrive version
At the CLI prompt, enter the following command:
snapdrive version
# snapdrive version snapdrive Version 5.2 snapdrive Daemon Version 5.2
The only argument this command accepts is -v , which displays additional version details. If you include additional arguments, SnapDrive for UNIX displays a warning and then the version number.