Downloading and decompressing the software package
You must download and decompress the NTAPsnapdrive_sun_x86_5.2.tar.Z or NTAPsnapdrive_sun_sparc_5.2.tar.Z package to install SnapDrive on a Solaris host. The software package depends on whether you are using Solaris on x86 or SPARC platform.
Download the NTAPsnapdrive_sun_x86_5.2.tar.Z or NTAPsnapdrive_sun_sparc_5.2.tar.Z software package from the NetApp Support Site depending on whether you are using Solaris on x86 or SPARC.
Accessthe directory to which you downloaded the compressed file.
For example, to access the /tmp directory, enter the following command :
# cd /tmp
To uncompress the software package for Solaris on x86, enter the following command:
# uncompress NTAPsnapdrive_sun_x86_5.2.tar.Z
For Solaris on SPARC, enter the following command:
To extract the file for Solaris on x86, enter the following command:
# tar -xvf NTAPsnapdrive_sun_x86_5.2.tar
For Solaris on SPARC, enter the following command:
tar -xvf NTAPsnapdrive_sun_sparc_5.2.tar`
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