Estimating the storage space using a Snapshot copy
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The clone split estimation helps you to estimate the required storage space (in MB) using a Snapshot copy, when there is no clone available for a Snapshot copy in the storage system.
Enter the following command to estimate the required storage space.
snapdrive clone split estimate -snapname [long_snap_name] {-volclone|-lunclone}] [-v | -verbose]
The following example estimates the storage space to split a LUN clone using a Snapshot copy.
snapdrive clone split estimate -snapname f3050-220-112:/vol/vol_1:snap_1 -lunclone Resource Container Required Available Storage Space(MB)Space(MB) Status f3050-220-112: f3050-220 5120 14078 AVAILABLE /vol/vol_1:snap_1 -112:/vol/vol_1
The following example estimates the storage space to split a LUN clone using a Snapshot copy with the -fs
# snapdrive clone split estimate -fs /mnt/my_mnt1 -snapname f3050-220-112:/vol/vol_1:snap_1 -lunclone Resource Container Required Available Storage Space(MB)Space(MB) Status f3050-220-112: f3050-220 4120 14078 AVAILABLE /vol/vol_1:snap_1 -112:/vol/vol_1
The following example estimates the storage space to split a volume clone using a Snapshot copy with the -fs
# snapdrive clone split estimate -fs /mnt/fs1 -snapname f3050-220-112:/vol/vol_1:snap_1 -volclone Resource Container Required Available Storage Space(MB)Space(MB) Status f3050-220-112: f3050-220 54019 54517 AVAILABLE /vol/vol0:snap_1 112:aggr0
The following example estimates the storage space to split a volume clone using a Snapshot copy.
# snapdrive clone split estimate -snapname f3050-220-112:/vol/vol_1:snap_1 -volclone Resource Container Required Available Storage Space(MB)Space(MB) Status f3050-220-112: f3050-220 54019 54517 AVAILABLE /vol/vol0:snap_1 112:aggr0