Recommended general database layouts and storage configurations
Knowing the recommended general database layouts and storage configurations can help you avoid issues related to disk groups, file types, and tablespaces.
Do not include files from more than one type of SAN file system or volume manager in your database.
All files making up a database must reside on the same type of file system.
SnapManager requires a multiple of 4K block size.
Include the database system identifier in the oratab file.
Include an entry in the oratab file for each database to be managed. SnapManager relies on the oratab file to determine which Oracle home to use.
If you want to register SnapManager backups with Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), you must create RMAN-enabled profiles.
If you want to leverage the new volume-based restore or full disk group restore, consider the following guidelines related to file systems and disk groups:
Multiple databases cannot share the same Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk group.
A disk group containing data files cannot contain other types of files.
The logical unit number (LUN) for the data file disk group must be the only object in the storage volume.
The following are some guidelines for volume separation:
Data files for only one database must be in the volume.
You must use separate volumes for each of the following file classifications: database binaries, data files, online redo log files, archived redo log files, and control files.
You do not need to create a separate volume for temporary database files because SnapManager does not back up temporary database files.