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SnapManager Oracle

The smo history operation-show command


This command enables you to view the history of a specific SnapManager operation associated with a profile.


        smo history operation-show
-profile profile
\{-label label \| -id id\}
\[-quiet \| -verbose\]


  • -profile profile

    Specifies the name of the profile. This name can be up to 30 characters long and must be unique within the host.

  • -label label | -idid

    Specifies the SnapManager operation ID or label for which you want to view the history.

  • -quiet

    Displays only error messages on the console. The default is to display error and warning messages.

  • -verbose

    Displays error, warning, and informational messages on the console.

Example command

          smo  history operation-show -profile PROFILE1 -label backup1 -verbose