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SnapManager Oracle

The smo profile verify command


You can run the profile verify command to verify the profile set up. You must mount the database before running this command.


        smo profile verify
-profile profile_name
\[-quiet \| -verbose\]


  • -profile

    Specifies the profile to verify. The profile contains the identifier of the database and other database information.

  • -quiet

    Displays only error messages in the console. The default is to display error and warning messages.

  • -verbose

    Displays error, warning, and informational messages in the console.


The following example verifies the profile:

smo profile verify -profile test_profile  -verbose
[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: racb1(OPEN).
[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: racb2(SHUTDOWN), racb1(OPEN).
[ INFO] SD-00019: Discovering storage resources for all system devices.
[ INFO] SD-00020: Finished storage discovery for all system devices.
[ INFO] SD-00019: Discovering storage resources for all system devices.
[ INFO] SD-00020: Finished storage discovery for all system devices.
[ INFO] SD-00019: Discovering storage resources for all system devices.
[ INFO] SD-00020: Finished storage discovery for all system devices.
[ INFO] SMO-05070: Database profile test_profile is eligible for fast restore.
[ INFO] SMO-07433: Returning the database to its initial state: racb2(SHUTDOWN), racb1(OPEN).
[ INFO] SMO-13048: Profile Verify Operation Status: SUCCESS
[ INFO] SMO-13049: Elapsed Time: 0:04:14.919
Operation Id [Nfffde14ac88cd1a21597c37e8d21fe90] succeeded.

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