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SnapManager Oracle

Configuring email notification for a new profile


When you are creating a new profile, you can configure to receive an email notification on completion of the database operation.

  • You must configure the email address from which the alerts are sent.

  • You must use a comma-separated list for multiple email addresses.

    You must ensure that there is no space between the comma and the next email address.

    1. Enter the following command: smo profile create -profileprofile [-profile-passwordprofile_password] -repository-dbnamerepo_service_name-hostrepo_host-portrepo_port-login-usernamerepo_username-database-dbnamedb_dbname-hostdb_host [-siddb_sid] [-login-usernamedb_username-passworddb_password-portdb_port] [-rman {-controlfile | {-login-usernamerman_username-passwordrman_password-tnsnamerman_tnsname} } ] -osaccountosaccount-osgrouposgroup [-retain [-hourly [-countn] [-durationm]] [-daily [-countn] [-durationm]] [-weekly [-countn] [-durationm]] [-monthly [-countn] [-durationm]]] [-commentcomment][-snapname-patternpattern][-protect [-protection-policypolicy_name ]][-notification [-success-emailemail_address1,email_address2-subjectsubject_pattern] [-failure-emailemail_address1,email_address2-subjectsubject_pattern]]

      Other options for this command are as follows:


      Note SnapManager supports up to 1000 characters for email addresses.

      When you create a backup of data files and archive log files together using the profile (for creating separate archive log backups), and the data file backup creation fails, the email notification is sent with the data backup as the operation name instead of data backup and archive logs backup. When the data file and archive log file backup operation is successful, you see the output as follows:

      Profile Name    : PROF_31
      Operation Name 	: Data Backup and Archive Logs Backup
      Database SID   	: TENDB1
      Database Host 	 :
      Start Date 	    : Fri Sep 23 13:37:21 EDT 2011
      End Date 	      : Fri Sep 23 13:45:24 EDT 2011
      Status 	        : SUCCESS
      Error messages 	:

The following example displays the email notification configured while creating a new profile:

smo profile create -profile sales1 -profile-password sales1 -repository -dbname repo2 -host -port 1521 -login -username oba5 -database -dbname DB1 -host -sid DB1 -osaccount oracle
-osgroup dba -notification -success -email -subject {profile}_{operation-name}_{db-sid}_{db-host}_{start-date}_{end-date}_{status}