Configuring history for SnapManager operation
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SnapManager for Oracle enables you to maintain the history of SnapManager operation from the SnapManager CLI or GUI. You can view the history of the SnapManager operation as a report.
To configure the history of SnapManager operation, enter the following command: smo history set -profile {-name, profile_name [profile_name1, profile_name2] | -all-repository-login [-passwordrepo_password] -usernamerepo_username-dbnamerepo_dbname-hostrepo_host-portrepo_port} -operation {-operationsoperation_name [operation_name1, operation_name2] | -all} -retain {-countretain_count | -dailyretain_daily | -weeklyretain_weekly | -monthlyretain_monthly} [-quiet | -verbose]
smo history set -profile -name PROFILE1 -operation -operations backup -retain -daily 6 -verbose
smo history set -profile -name PROFILE1 -operation -all -retain -weekly 3 -verbose