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SnapManager Oracle

The smo backup show command

Contributors NetAppZacharyWambold

You can use the backup show command to display detailed information about a backup, including its protection status, backup retention class, and backups on primary and secondary storage.


        smo backup show
-profile profile_name
[-label label \[-data \| -archivelogs\] \| \[-id id\]
\[-quiet \| -verbose\]


  • -profile profile_name

    Specifies the profile for which to show backups. The profile contains the identifier of the database and other database information.

  • -label label

    Specifies the label of the backup.

  • -data

    Specifies the data files.

  • -archivelogs

    Specifies the archive log files.

  • -id id

    Specifies the backup ID.

  • -quiet

    Displays only error messages in the console. The default is to display error and warning messages.

  • -verbose

    Displays error, warning, and informational messages in the console, as well as any clone and verification information.


The following example shows detailed information about the backup:

smo backup show -profile SALES1 -label BTNFS -verbose
Backup id: 8abc013111a450480111a45066210001
Backup status: SUCCESS
Primary storage resources: EXISTS
Protection sate: NOT REQUESTED
Retention class: DAILY
Backup scope: FULL
Backup mode: OFFLINE
Mount status: NOT MOUNTED
Backup label: BTNFS
Backup comment:
RMAN Tag: SMO_BTNFS_1175283108815
Backup start time: 2007-03-30 15:26:30
Backup end time: 2007-03-30 15:34:13
Verification status: OK
Backup Retention Policy: NORMAL
Backup database: hsdb1
Checkpoint: 2700620
Tablespace: SYSAUX
Datafile: E:\disks\data\sysaux01.dbf [ONLINE]
Control Files:
File: E:\disks\data\control03.ctl
Archive Logs:
File: E:\disks\data\archive_logs\2_131_626174106.dbf
Host: Host1
File: E:\disks\data\hsdb\SMOBakCtl_1175283005231_0
Volume: hs_data
Snapshot: SMO_HSDBR_hsdb1_F_C_1_
File: E:\disks\data\hsdb\SMOBakCtl_1175283005231_0

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