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SnapManager for SAP

Considerations for cloning a database to an alternate host


Before you can clone to a host other than the one on which the database resides, there are some requirements that must be met.

The following table shows the source and target host setup requirements:

Prerequisite set up Requirement


Must be the same on both the source and target hosts

Operating system and version

Must be the same on both the source and target hosts

SnapManager for SAP

Must be installed and running on both the source and target hosts


Must be set for the user to access the target host


The same software version must be installed on both the source and target hosts.

The Oracle Listener must be running on the target host.

Compatible storage stack

Must be the same on both the source and target hosts

Protocol used to access data files

Must be the same on both the source and target hosts

Volume managers

Must be configured on both the source and target hosts and must be of compatible versions