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SnapManager for SAP

Managing profiles for efficient backups


You must create a profile in SnapManager for the database on which you want to perform an operation. You must select the profile and then select the operation that you want to perform.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Create profiles to enable full or partial backups and backups to primary, secondary, or even tertiary storage.

    You can also create profiles to separate the archive log backups from the data file backups.

  • Verify profiles.

  • Update profiles.

  • Delete profiles.

About profiles and authentication

When you create a profile, you can specify a database and choose one of the following methods to connect to the database:

  • Oracle authentication with a user name, password, and port

  • Operating system (OS) authentication with no user name, password, or port.

    For OS authentication, you must enter the OS account user and group information.

    Note To use OS authentication for the Real Application Cluster (RAC) databases, the SnapManager server must be running on each node of the RAC environment and the database password must be the same for all Oracle instances in a RAC environment. SnapManager uses the database user name and password to connect to every RAC instance in the profile.
  • Database authentication when sqlnet.authentication_services is set to NONE. SnapManager then uses the database user name and password for all the connections to the target database.

    Note To use database authentication for an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance, you must enter the user name and password that you use to log in to the ASM instance.

You can set sqlnet.authentication_services to NONE only in the following environments:

Database layout Oracle version Is database authentication supported for the target database Is database authentication supported for the ASM instance

Any non-ASM and non-RAC database

Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g (lesser than



Stand-alone ASM database on UNIX

Oracle and later



ASM instance on RAC database on UNIX




RAC database on NFS




Note After you disable sqlnet.authentication_services and change the authentication method to database authentication, you must set sqlnet.authentication_services to NONE.

If you are accessing a profile for the first time, you must enter your profile password. After you enter your credentials, you can view the database backups within the profile.