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SnapManager for SAP

The smsap profile update command


You can run the profile update command to update the information for an existing profile.


smsap profile update
-profile profile
[-new-profile new_profile_name]
[-profile-password profile_password]
-dbname db_dbname
-host db_host
[-sid db_sid]
[-username db_username -password db_password -port db_port]
[-asminstance -asmusername asminstance_username  -asmpassword asminstance_password]
[{-rman  {-controlfile | {{-login
-username  rman_username
-password  rman_password }
[-tnsname  tnsname]}}} |
-osaccount osaccount
-osgroup osgroup
[-hourly [-count n] [-duration m]]
[-daily [-count n] [-duration m]
[-weekly [-count n [-duration m]
[-monthly [-count n [-duration m]]]
-comment comment
-snapname-pattern pattern
[-protect [-protection-policy policy_name] | [-noprotect]
-email email_address1,email_address2
-subject subject_pattern]
-email email_address1,email_address2
-subject subject_pattern
-hours  hours |
-days days |
-weeks weeks |
-months months
[-protect [-protection-policy policy_name] | [-noprotect]
[-include-with-online-backups | -no-include-with-online-backups]]
[-quiet | -verbose]]


If protection policy is set on the profile, you cannot change the policy using SnapManager. You must change the policy using the Protection Manager's console.

  • -profile profile

    Specifies the name of the profile. This name can be up to 30 characters long and must be unique within the host.

  • -profile-password profile_password

    Specifies the password for the profile.

  • -new-profile new_profile_name

    Specifies the new name that you can provide for a profile.

  • -database

    Specifies the details of the database that the profile describes. This is the database that will be backed up, restored, and so on.

  • -dbname db_dbname

    Specifies the name of the database that the profile describes. You can use either the global name or the system identifier.

  • -host db_host

    Specifies the name or IP address of the host computer on which the database runs.

  • -sid db_sid

    Specifies the system identifier of the database that the profile describes. By default, SnapManager uses the database name as the system identifier. If the system identifier is different from the database name, you must specify it using the -sid option.

    For example, if you are using Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), you must specify the SID system identifier of the RAC instance on the RAC node from which SnapManager is executed.

  • -login

    Specifies the repository login details.

  • -username repo_username

    Specifies the user name required to access the repository database.

  • -port repo_port

    Specifies the TCP port number required to access the repository database.

  • -database

    Specifies the details of the database that the profile describes. This is the database that will be backed up, restored, or cloned.

  • -dbname db_dbname

    Specifies the name of the database that the profile describes. You can use either the global name or the system identifier.

  • -host db_host

    Specifies the name or IP address of the host computer on which the database runs.

  • -login

    Specifies the database login details.

  • -username db_username

    Specifies the user name required to access the database that the profile describes.

  • -password db_password

    Specifies the password required to access the database that the profile describes.

  • -port db_port

    Specifies the TCP port number required to access the database that the profile describes.

  • -asminstance

    Specifies the credentials that are used to log in to the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance.

  • -asmusername asminstance_username

    Specifies the user name used to log in to the ASM instance.

  • -asmpassword asminstance_password

    Specifies the password used to log in to ASM instance.

  • -osaccount osaccount

    Specifies the name of the Oracle database user account. SnapManager uses this account to perform the Oracle operations such as startup and shutdown. It is typically the user who owns the Oracle software on the host, for example, orasid.

  • -osgroup osgroup

    Specifies the name of the Oracle database group name associated with the orasid account.

  • -retain [-hourly [-count n] [-duration m]] [-daily [-count n] [-duration m]] [-weekly [-count n][-duration m]] [-monthly [-count n][-duration m]]

    Specifies the retention class (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly) for a backup.

    For each retention class, a retention count or a retention duration or both can be specified. The duration is in units of the class (for example, hours for hourly or days for daily). For instance, if the user specifies only a retention duration of 7 for daily backups, then SnapManager will not limit the number of daily backups for the profile (because the retention count is 0), but SnapManager will automatically delete daily backups created over 7 days ago.

  • -comment comment

    Specifies the comment for a profile.

  • -snapname-pattern pattern

    Specifies the naming pattern for Snapshot copies. You can also include custom text, for example, HAOPS for highly available operations, in all Snapshot copy names. You can change the Snapshot copy naming pattern when you create a profile or after the profile has been created. The updated pattern applies only to Snapshot copies that have not yet occurred. Snapshot copies that exist retain the previous Snapname pattern. You can use several variables in the pattern text.

  • -protect [-protection-policy policy_name] | [-noprotect]

    Indicates whether the backup should be protected to secondary storage or not.

    Note If -protect is specified without -protection-policy, then the dataset will not have a protection policy. If -protect is specified and -protection-policy is not set when the profile is created, then it may be set later by smsap profile update command or set by the storage administrator by using the Protection Manager's console .

    The -noprotect option specifies not to protect the profile to secondary storage.

  • -summary-notification

    Specifies that summary email notification is enabled for the existing profile.

  • -notification [-success-email e-mail_address1,e-mail address2 -subject subject_pattern]

    Enables email notification for the existing profile so that emails are received by recipients when the SnapManager operation succeeds. You must enter a single email address or multiple email addresses to which email alerts will be sent and an email subject pattern for the existing profile.

    You can change the subject text while updating the profile or include custom subject text. The updated subject applies only to the emails that are not sent. You can use several variables for the email subject.

  • -notification [-failure -email e-mail_address1,e-mail address2 -subject subject_pattern]

    Enables email notification for the existing profile so that emails are received by recipients when the SnapManager operation fails. You must enter a single email address or multiple email addresses to which email alerts will be sent and an email subject pattern for the existing profile.

    You can change the subject text while updating the profile or include custom subject text. The updated subject applies only to the emails that are not sent. You can use several variables for the email subject.

  • -separate-archivelog-backups

    Separates the archive log backup from datafile backup. This is an optional parameter you can provide while creating the profile. After you separate the backups are separated using this option, you can create either data files-only backup or archive logs-only backup.

  • -retain-archivelog-backups -hours hours | -days days | -weeks weeks| -months months

    Specifies that the archive log backups are retained based on the archive log retention duration (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly).

  • -protect [-protection-policy policy_name] | -noprotect

    Specifies that the archive log files are protected based on the archive log protection policy.

    Specifies that the archive log files are not protected by using the -noprotect option.

  • -include-with-online-backups | -no-include-with-online-backups

    Specifies that the archive log backup is included along with the online database backup.

    Specifies that the archive log backups are not included along with the online database backup.

  • -dump

    Specifies that the dump files are collected after the successful profile create operation.

  • -quiet

    Displays only error messages in the console. The default is to display error and warning messages.

  • -verbose

    Displays error, warning, and informational messages in the console.


The following example changes the login information for the database described by the profile and the email notification is configured for this profile:

smsap profile update -profile SALES1 -database -dbname SALESDB
 -sid SALESDB -login -username admin2 -password d4jPe7bw -port 1521
-host server1 -profile-notification -success -e-mail -subject success
Operation Id [8abc01ec0e78ec33010e78ec3b410001] succeeded.