Preinstallation tasks
Before installing SnapManager for SAP, you must perform some additional tasks to set up your environment. The tasks that you have to perform depend on the operating system and the database version you want to use.
Install licensed operating system with the appropriate patches.
Set the operating system's and the Oracle database's languages to English.
For example, to set the language of the Oracle database to English assign
. For more information about how to set the language, see the Troubleshooting SnapManager for SAP section. -
Install Data ONTAP with licenses enabled for SnapRestore and the supported protocols such as Fibre Channel (FC) and Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) on all the storage systems.
Install the following Oracle patches, if you are using Oracle databases and
13413167 for Windows 32-bit
13555974 for Windows 64-bit
Install SAP BR* Tools.
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