Disabling email notification for multiple profiles
After you enable the summary email notification for multiple profiles, you can disable them to no longer receive email alerts.
SnapManager enables you to disable the summary email notification for those profile-executed database operations. From the SnapManager CLI, enter the notification remove-summary-notification command to disable the summary email notification for multiple profiles and the name of the repository database for which you do not require email notification.
To disable summary notification for multiple profiles on a repository database, enter the following command:
smsap notification remove-summary-notification -repository-portrepo_port-dbnamerepo_service_name-hostrepo_host-login-usernamerepo_username
The following example shows summary notification being disabled for multiple profiles on a repository database:
smsap notification remove-summary-notification –repository –port 1521 –dbname repo2 –host –login –username oba5