Storing the task scripts
You must store the pretask, post-task, and policy task scripts in a specified directory on the target server where the backups or clones will be created. For the restore operation, the scripts must be placed in the specified directory on the target server where you want to restore the backup.
Create your script.
Save the script in one of the following locations:
For the backup operation
Directory Description <default_install_directory >\plugins\backup\create\policy
The policy scripts run before the backup operations.
<default_install_directory >\plugins\backup\create\pre
The preprocessing scripts run the before backup operations.
<default_install_directory >\plugins\backup\create\pre
The post-processing scripts run after the backup operations.
For the restore operation
Directory Description <default_install_directory >\plugins\restore\create\policy
The policy scripts run before the restore operations.
<default_install_directory >\plugins\restore\create\pre
The preprocessing scripts run before the restore operations.
<default_install_directory >\plugins\restore\create\post
The post-processing scripts run after the restore operations.
For the clone operation
Directory Description <default_install_directory >\plugins\clone\create\policy
The policy scripts run before the clone operations.
<default_install_directory >\plugins\clone\create\pre
The preprocessing scripts run before the clone operations.
<default_install_directory >\plugins\clone\create\post
The post-processing scripts run after the clone operations.