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SolidFire Active IQ

Snapshots and Snapshot Schedules

Contributors netapp-pcarriga

Learn about viewing information about snapshots and snapshot schedules:


From the Volumes page that is available from the side panel for a selected cluster, you can view information about volume snapshots.

  1. Select Volumes > Snapshots.

  2. Alternatively, select Volumes > Active Volumes and in the Actions column, select the more information icon for the volume you want and select View Snapshots.

  3. (Optional) You can export the snapshot list as a CSV file by selecting the export button icon.

The following list describes the available details:

Heading Description


Displays the snapshot ID assigned to the snapshot.

Volume ID

ID given when the volume was created.

Account ID

ID of the account assigned to the volume.


Universally unique identifier.


User-defined size of the snapshot.

Volume Size

Size of the volume from which the snapshot was created.

Create Time

The time at which the snapshot was created.

Retain Until

The day and time the snapshot will be deleted.

Group Snapshot ID

The group ID the snapshot belongs to if grouped together with other volume snapshots.


Displays the status of the snapshot on the remote cluster:

  • Present: The snapshot exists on a remote cluster.

  • Not Present: The snapshot does not exist on a remote cluster.

  • Syncing: The target cluster is currently replicating the snapshot.

  • Deleted: The target replicated the snapshot and then deleted it.

Snapshot Schedules

From the Volumes > Snapshot Schedules page that is available from the side panel for a selected cluster, you can view snapshot schedule details.

You can export the snapshot schedule list as a CSV file by selecting the Export button icon.

The following list describes the available details:

Heading Description


The schedule ID assigned to the schedule.


User-assigned name of the schedule.


The frequency at which the schedule is run. The frequency can be set in hours and minutes, weeks, or months.


Indicates whether or not the schedule is recurring.

Volume IDs

The volume IDs included in the scheduled snapshot.

Last Run

The last time the schedule executed.

Last Run Status

The outcome of the last schedule execution. Possible values: Success or Error

Manually Paused

Identifies whether or not the schedule has been manually paused.

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