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Example: S3 object deletion
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When an S3 client deletes an object from a Storage Node (LDR service), an audit message is generated and saved to the audit log.
Not all audit messages generated during a delete transaction are listed in the example below. Only those related to the S3 delete transaction (SDEL) are listed. |
SDEL: S3 Delete
Object deletion begins when the client sends a DELETE Object request to an LDR service. The message contains the bucket from which to delete the object and the object's S3 Key, which is used to identify the object.
2017-07-17T21:17:58.959669[AUDT:[RSLT(FC32):SUCS][TIME(UI64):14316][SAIP(IPAD):""][S3AI(CSTR):"70899244468554783528"][SACC(CSTR):"test"][S3AK(CSTR):"SGKHyalRU_5cLflqajtaFmxJn946lAWRJfBF33gAOg=="][SUSR(CSTR):"urn:sgws:identity::70899244468554783528:root"][SBAI(CSTR):"70899244468554783528"][SBAC(CSTR):"test"] [S3BK(CSTR):"example"][S3KY(CSTR):"testobject-0-7"][CBID(UI64):0x339F21C5A6964D89] [CSIZ(UI64):30720][AVER(UI32):10][ATIM(UI64):150032627859669] [ATYP(FC32):SDEL][ANID(UI32):12086324][AMID(FC32):S3RQ][ATID(UI64):4727861330952970593]]