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Support for StorageGRID platform services

Contributors netapp-lhalbert

StorageGRID platform services enable StorageGRID tenant accounts to leverage external services such as a remote S3 bucket, a Simple Notification Service (SNS) endpoint, or an Elasticsearch cluster to extend the services provided by a grid.

The following table summarizes the available platform services and the S3 APIs used to configure them.

Platform service Purpose S3 API used to configure the service

CloudMirror replication

Replicates objects from a source StorageGRID bucket to the configured remote S3 bucket.

PUT Bucket replication


Sends notifications about events in a source StorageGRID bucket to a configured Simple Notification Service (SNS) endpoint.

PUT Bucket notification

Search integration

Sends object metadata for objects stored in a StorageGRID bucket to a configured Elasticsearch index.

PUT Bucket metadata notification

Note: This is a StorageGRID custom S3 API.

A grid administrator must enable the use of platform services for a tenant account before they can be used. Then, a tenant administrator must create an endpoint that represents the remote service in the tenant account. This step is required before a service can be configured.

Recommendations for using platform services

Before using platform services, you must be aware of the following recommendations:

  • NetApp recommends that you allow no more than 100 active tenants with S3 requests requiring CloudMirror replication, notifications, and search integration. Having more than 100 active tenants can result in slower S3 client performance.

  • If an S3 bucket in theStorageGRID system has both versioning and CloudMirror replication enabled, NetApp recommends that the destination endpoint also have S3 bucket versioning enabled. This allows CloudMirror replication to generate similar object versions on the endpoint.

  • CloudMirror replication is not supported if the source bucket has S3 Object Lock enabled.

  • CloudMirror replication will fail with an AccessDenied error if the destination bucket has legacy Compliance enabled.

Related information

Use a tenant account