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Use a DoNotStart file

Contributors netapp-perveilerk netapp-madkat netapp-lhalbert

If you are performing various maintenance or configuration procedures under the direction of technical support, you might be asked to use a DoNotStart file to prevent services from starting when Server Manager is started or restarted.

Important You should add or remove a DoNotStart file only if technical support has directed you to do so.

To prevent a service from starting, place a DoNotStart file in the directory of the service you want to prevent from starting. At start-up, Server Manager looks for the DoNotStart file. If the file is present, the service (and any services dependent on it) is prevented from starting. When the DoNotStart file is removed, the previously stopped service will start on the next start or restart of Server Manager. Services aren't automatically started when the DoNotStart file is removed.

The most efficient way to prevent all services from restarting is to prevent the NTP service from starting. All services are dependent on the NTP service and can't run if the NTP service is not running.

Add DoNotStart file for service

You can prevent an individual service from starting by adding a DoNotStart file to that service's directory on a grid node.

Before you begin

You have the Passwords.txt file.

  1. Log in to the grid node:

    1. Enter the following command: ssh admin@grid_node_IP

    2. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    3. Enter the following command to switch to root: su -

    4. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    When you are logged in as root, the prompt changes from $ to #.

  2. Add a DoNotStart file: touch /etc/sv/service/DoNotStart

    where service is the name of the service to be prevented from starting. For example,

    touch /etc/sv/ldr/DoNotStart

    A DoNotStart file is created. No file content is needed.

    When Server Manager or the grid node is restarted, Server Manager restarts, but the service does not.

  3. Log out of the command shell: exit

Remove DoNotStart file for service

When you remove a DoNotStart file that is preventing a service from starting, you must start that service.

Before you begin

You have the Passwords.txt file.

  1. Log in to the grid node:

    1. Enter the following command: ssh admin@grid_node_IP

    2. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    3. Enter the following command to switch to root: su -

    4. Enter the password listed in the Passwords.txt file.

    When you are logged in as root, the prompt changes from $ to #.

  2. Remove the DoNotStart file from the service directory: rm /etc/sv/service/DoNotStart

    where service is the name of the service. For example,

    rm /etc/sv/ldr/DoNotStart
  3. Start the service: service servicename start

  4. Log out of the command shell: exit