Change object versioning for a bucket
If you are using an S3 tenant, you can change the versioning state for S3 buckets.
You are signed in to the Tenant Manager using a supported web browser.
You belong to a user group that has the Manage all buckets or Root access permission. These permissions override the permissions settings in group or bucket policies.
You've verified that the required number of Storage Nodes and sites are available. If two or more Storage Nodes are not available within any site, or if a site is not available, changes to these settings might not be available.
You can enable or suspend object versioning for a bucket. After you enable versioning for a bucket, it can't return to an unversioned state. However, you can suspend versioning for the bucket.
Disabled: Versioning has never been enabled
Enabled: Versioning is enabled
Suspended: Versioning was previously enabled and is suspended
For more information, see the following:
Select View buckets from the dashboard, or select STORAGE (S3) > Buckets.
Select the bucket name from the table.
The bucket details page appears.
From the Bucket options tab, select the Object versioning accordion.
Select a versioning state for the objects in this bucket.
Object versioning must remain enabled for a bucket used for cross-grid replication. If S3 Object Lock or legacy compliance is enabled, the Object versioning options are disabled.
Option Description Enable versioning
Enable object versioning if you want to store every version of each object in this bucket. You can then retrieve previous versions of an object as needed.
Objects that were already in the bucket will be versioned when they are modified by a user.
Suspend versioning
Suspend object versioning if you no longer want new object versions to be created. You can still retrieve any existing object versions.
Select Save changes.