Configure SRA on the SRM Appliance
After you have deployed the SRM Appliance, you should configure SRA on the SRM Appliance. The successful configuration of SRA enables SRM Appliance to communicate with SRA for disaster recovery management. You should store the virtual appliance for VSC, VASA Provider, and SRA credentials (IP address and administrator password) in the SRM Appliance to enable communication between SRM Appliance and SRA.
You should uploaded the tar.gz
file to SRM Appliance.
The configuration of SRA on SRM Appliance stores the SRA credentials in the SRM Appliance.
Log in using administrator account to the SRM Appliance using putty.
Switch to the root user using the command:
su root
At the log location enter the command to get the docker ID used by SRA
docker ps -l
To login to the container ID, enter command
docker exec -it -u srm <container id> sh
Configure SRM with the virtual appliance for VSC, VASA Provider, and SRA IP address and password using the command:
perl -I <va-IP> administrator <va-password>
A success message confirming that the storage credentials are stored is displayed. SRA can communicate with SRA server using the provided IP address, port and credentials.