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OnCommand Workflow Automation 5.0
A newer release of this product is available.

Edit Command Definition dialog box


The Edit Command Definition dialog box enables you to edit the selected command.

  • Properties tab

  • Code tab

  • Parameters Definition tab

  • Parameters Mapping tab

  • Reservation tab

  • Verification tab

Properties tab

The Properties tab enables you to edit the properties of the command, such as the name, description, and scripting language.

  • Name

    Enables you to edit the name of the command. You must enter a name to save the command.

  • Entity Version

    Enables you to enter the version number for the command in major.minor.revision format—​for example, 1.0.0.

  • Description

    Enables you to edit the description for the command.

  • String Representation

    Enables you to specify a string representation for the command using MVEL syntax. You must specify the string representation to save the command.

  • Timeout (s)

    Enables you to specify the timeout value (in seconds) for the command. The default value is 600 seconds.

  • Command Type

    Enables you to specify the type of execution for the command.

    • Standard execution

      Enables the command to be executed without any waiting period. Standard execution is selected by default.

    • Wait for condition

      Enables you to specify the time (in seconds) for the command to wait before execution. The default value is 60 seconds.

  • Minimum Software Versions

    Specifies the minimum versions of the software that is required for the command to operate. For example, the software can be clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.0 and vCenter 6.0. The versions are displayed as comma-separated values.

Code tab

This tab enables you to edit the code for the command in Perl, PowerShell, or both. You can add a new scripting language by clicking add lang icon and then selecting the required language from the Script language drop-down list.

  • Test

    Opens the Verification dialog box, which enables you to test the parameters for the specified verification script.

  • Discover Parameters

    Copies the parameters defined in the PowerShell code to the Parameters Definition table and the Parameters Mapping table. The Discover Parameters button is disabled for the Perl codes.

Parameters Definition tab

This tab displays the parameters defined in the code that you have entered in the Code tab.

  • Name

    Displays the name of the parameter.

  • Description

    Displays the description of the parameter.

  • Mandatory

    Displays a selected check box for the mandatory parameters.

  • Type

    Displays the type of the parameter, such as string and enum.

  • Values

    Displays the value that is set for the parameter.

  • Add Parameter

    Enables you to add a parameter to the command if the selected scripting language is Perl.

  • Remove Parameter

    Enables you to remove a parameter from the command if the selected scripting language is Perl.

Parameters Mapping tab

This tab enables you to map the parameters to dictionary objects and to specify the attribute and object name.

  • Name

    Displays the name of the parameter.

  • Type

    Enables you to select the dictionary object for the parameter.

  • Attribute

    Enables you to specify the required attribute. You can select the attribute, if available, or enter the attribute.

  • Object Name

    Enables you to enter a name for the object.

Reservation tab

This tab enables you to reserve resources that are required by the command. For more information about reservations, see the OnCommand Workflow Automation Workflow Developer's Guide.

  • Reservation Script

    Enables you to enter an SQL query to reserve resources required by the command. This ensures that the resources are available during a scheduled workflow execution.

  • Reservation Representation

    Enables you to specify a string representation for the reservation using MVEL syntax. The string representation is used to display the details of the reservation in the Reservations window.

Verification tab

This tab enables you to verify a reservation and remove the reservation after the execution of the command is completed. For more information about verifying reservations, see the OnCommand Workflow Automation Workflow Developer's Guide.

  • Verification Script

    Enables you to enter an SQL query to verify the usage of resources that were reserved by the reservation script. It also verifies if the WFA cache is updated and removes the reservation after a cache acquisition.

Command buttons

  • Save

    Saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

  • Cancel

    Cancels changes, if any, and closes the dialog box.