Export OnCommand Workflow Automation content
You can save user-created OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) content as a .dar
file and share the content with other users. The WFA content can include the entire user-created content or specific items such as workflows, finders, commands, and dictionary terms.
You must have access to the WFA content that you want to export.
If content that is to be exported contains references to certified content, the corresponding certified content packs must be available on the system when the content is imported.
These packs can be downloaded from the Storage Automation Store.
You cannot export the following types of certified content:
- NetApp-certified content
- content developed by Professional Services (PS), which is available only on custom installations made by PS
- packs developed by users
All of the objects that are dependent on the exported object are also exported.
For example, exporting a workflow also exports the dependent commands, filters, and finders for the workflow.
You can export locked objects.
The objects remain in the locked state when they are imported by other users.
Log in to WFA through a web browser.
Export the necessary content:
If you want to… Do this… Export all user-created content as a single
Click Settings, and under Maintenance click Export All Workflows.
Specify a file name for the
file, and then click Export.
Export specific content
Navigate to the window from which you want to export content.
Select one or more items from the window, and then click
In the Export As dialog box, specify a file name for the
file, and then click Export.
In the Save As dialog box, specify the location where you want to save the
file, and then click Save.