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OnCommand Workflow Automation 5.1

Modify the default password policy


OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) is configured to enforce a password policy for local users. You can modify the default password policy.

You must have logged in to the WFA host system as a root user.

  • The default WFA installation path is used in this procedure.

    If you changed the default location during installation, you must use the changed WFA installation path.

  • The command for the default password policy is ./wfa --password-policy=default.

    The default is “minLength=true,8;specialChar=true,1;digitalChar=true,1;lowercaseChar=true,1;uppercaseChar=true,1;whitespaceChar=false” . This indicates that the default password policy must have a minimum length of eight characters, must contain at least 1 special character, 1 digit, 1 lowercase character, 1 uppercase character, and no spaces.

  1. At the shell prompt, navigate to the following directory on the WFA server: WFA_install_location/wfa/bin/

  2. Modify the default password policy by entering the following command:

    ./wfa --password-policy=PasswordPolicyString --restart=WFA