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Check the integrity of the data in a sandbox clone

Contributors netapp-rlithman

Run an integrity check to determine if sandbox clone data is intact or corrupt in BlueXP workload factory for Databases.

About this task

When you create a sandbox clone from a source database while it is busy, the clone's data may not be in sync with the most recent snapshot of the source database. This operation checks the integrity of all the objects in the sandbox clone to determine if the sandbox clone data is current.

  1. Log in using one of the console experiences.

  2. In the Databases tile, select Go to Databases inventory.

  3. In Databases, select the Sandboxes tab.

  4. In the Sandboxes tab, click the three-dot menu of the sandbox clone to check integrity for.

  5. Select Run integrity check.

  6. In the Integrity check dialog, click Integrity check.

  7. Check the status of the integrity check in Sandboxes or in Job monitoring.

If the integrity check fails, we recommend that you do not use the sandbox clone and create a new sandbox clone.