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Restore a volume from a snapshot

Contributors netapp-rlithman

Restore an FSx for ONTAP volume from a snapshot when the volume contains deleted or corrupted files.

About this task

This operation restores data from a snapshot to a new volume.

Before you begin

You can only restore a volume from a snapshot if you have an existing snapshot copy of the volume.

Make sure you have enough capacity to complete this operation.

  1. Log in to the Workload Factory console

  2. In Storage, select Go to storage inventory.

  3. In the FSx for ONTAP tab, click the three dots menu of the file system with the volume and then select Manage.

  4. In the file system overview, select the Volumes tab.

  5. From the Volumes tab, select the three dots menu for the volume to restore from a snapshot.

  6. Select Data protection actions, Snapshots, then Restore volume from a snapshot.

  7. In the Restore volume from a snapshot dialog, in the Snapshot name field, select the snapshot to restore from the dropdown menu.

  8. In the Restored volume name field, enter a unique name for the volume to restore.

  9. Click Restore.